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The US could only become a monarchy if the Constitution is completely overthrown and done away with.

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Q: Can the democracy of the US ever become a monarchy?
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Did the Greeks style of government have an effect on your modern government?

Yes, because the Greeks had many styles of governments like Monarchy and Oligarchy and Democracy. In the US we have Monarchy which was ruled by 1 person and Democracy which was ruled by citizens and citizens are aloud to vote. We have democracy because of the voting and we have the Monarchy for the 1 ruler.

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The government of NZ is part of a monarchy and a constitutional democracy The government of Australia part of a monarchy a constitutional democracy and a federation of states. The Government of the USA is a constitutional democracy, A republic, and a federation of states.

Can the US ever have a Absolute Monarchy?

No, not unless there was a complete overthrow of the government and then it wouldn't be a monarchy but a dictatorship.

How is Canada's different from that of the US?

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy with parliamentary democracy, whereas the US is a republic. Both are democracies and federations however.

When did US become strong democracy?

When we started vating.! :)

What is Belize's form of government'?

it's Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy

What did oliver cromwell do that's benifitial for us?

He removed the idea that the monarchy is not answerable to the people, and ensured that democracy could evolve.

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How is the US and japan government a like?

USA is a democracy and Japan is a Democratic Monarchy much like England were they have an emporer but his imfluence on politics is relitively minor.