Yes. If the official scorer deems that an out would have been made had another fielder not made an error after the player who would have gotten the assist played the ball, the assist is given.
If the first baseman drops a throw from an infielder that would have made an out on a ground ball, the infielder is given an assist and the first baseman is given an error. If the catcher throws a perfect strike to second base to catch a runner stealing and the second baseman drops the ball allowing the runner to be safe when he would have been out by five feet, the catcher is given an assist and the second baseman is given an error.
No, a wild pitch is a wild pitch -- it is considered a mistake charged to the pitcher. An "error" in baseball is a fielding mistake. A pitcher can make an "error" but only on a batted or thrown ball.
A passed ball is given to the catcher if he misses a pitch or fails to keep it from getting away from him. When the pitcher is at fault, it is called a wild pitch.
The Pitcher and the Catcher
It depends on how bad the pitcher boots the ball. An error is recorded when an out is not made within reasonable effort or talent.
The question has an error it. It was the 1980 World Series I was thinking of My apologies.
The job of a baseball coach is to make the right decisions for the team. For example if the pitcher is not pitching well then the coach will take the pitcher out a put in a new one.
No, in baseball the pitcher does not follow the instructions of the catcher.
What is the height of the pitcher's mound in college baseball
No, they are two separate statistics.
Charlie Brown played pitcher on his baseball team.
A hurler is a slang term for a pitcher in baseball. ERA stands for Earned Run Average and is a statistic for pitchers that shows the number of 'earned' runs a pitcher allows for every nine innings. An earned run is a run that is scored without the help of an error or passed ball. One might think that the earned run average of a pitcher is similar to that of the batting average of a hitter.