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no cus its a GIRLS volleyball team not a guys volleyball team

Wow that is one of the lamest answers I have read on this site so far. First off, why are women so quick to say things are sexist when the women aren't allowed to do something. They talk about how they are just as good if not better than men at things. If this were true then why can't a guy play on the girl's team? Oh, it's because the net in men's volleyball is actually higher. So if a guy played on the girls team, that team would have an advantage. Same goes for softball, the team with the guy on it would have the advantage of the male being able to hit the ball farther, not in all cases cause some women can hit farther than some men, but that is very rare. It's a known fact that the average male has 30 to 50 percent more upper body strength than the average female. I am not against females being allowed to the choice to do things but if a girl can play football on the male team then why can't a guy play on the girl's team?

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Q: Can guys play on a girls high school volleyball team?
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Can guys play on girls high school volleyball teams?

No because guys have more strength in throwing but girls have strength but not as much as guys

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They enjoy it because they can see cute girls in short shorts!

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Guys are allowed to play Vlleyball in high-school, It depends on your education institution if they do Extra Curricular sport such as Volleyball. Volleyball may not be available to you to participate in school.

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The net height in girls' high school volleyball is 7' 4-1/8"

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for girls, during the fall for boys, during the spring

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most teams i have seen and played on have had 12 to 13

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of coarse guys like any girl he is physically attracted to.

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they should not date any till they have finished school and have gotten a career

How come girls don't like nice guys?

Well I'll tell you this in high school the nice guy ALWAYS loses but after high school girls tend to learn what really matters and the nice guys win A LOT more.