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Yes, but they cannot pass the near blue-line.

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Q: Can goalies come out of the net and score?
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Do goalies in water polo score goals?

Yes, goalies can and do score. However, it does not happen often. Goalies usually shoot the last shot of a quarter or game, or if they notice that the other goalie is not paying attention or has come out of the cage. The better the players and the higher the level of competition, the less likely the shot will go in.

How big is a goalies net?

12ft by 8ft 12ft by 8ft

Did 2 goalies ever play in net at the same time in a hockey game?

I believe there's two goalies in every hockey game.

What does 'in net' mean hockey?

In net refers to where the goalie will play. A coach may tell one of the two goalies who is starting by saying to them that they are in net.

What do goalies on ice hockey do?

Their primary job is to keep the puck from going into the net.

What is your net score?

Net is another way to say total, so a net score is a synonym for total score.

Why do hockey goalies hit the net posts with their stick?

It's usually a pre-game of a post-game ritual for a lot of the goalies as a thank you or a good job kind of thing. Marc-andre fleury for example gave the net posts a nice rub after the other team tried to score and the puck bounced off the post. It was so say 'thanks' or 'good job' Mostly just a ritual. Plus it looks pretty awesome :)

Why was the trapezoid area behind the net added?

Goalies would go behind the net where the trapiziod is NOT and cover up. They were coming too far out of the nets.

What are goalies in soccer allowed to do?

goalies in soccer have i major objective: stop all balls that come near the goal. the goalies can touch the ball with their hands and feet, but arent allowed to leave their white box painted around the goal.

First goalie in hockey to score a goal?

The New York Islanders' goalie Billy Smith. Though he didn't actually shoot the puck into the opponent's net. The guy was one of the filthiest goalies of all-time. The first goaltender to score directly into the opposite goal was Philadelphia's Ron Hextall. Note, not quite the psychopath Smith was, but close nonetheless.

What is one example of a sport that features a position known as a goalie?

One example of a sport that features a position known as a 'goalie' is ice hockey. Goalies protect the net from the opposing team and prevents them from scoring. Goalies have to have quick reflexes.

How do you score on jumpers for goalposts?

get it in the net