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Yes it breaks away at the skin/ leather material the ball is made of. It also soils the coloring, so it will become faded and not as attractive.

Also it adds more pressure to the ball and overtime the ball will get flatter. Indoor balls for indoor please!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is kinda bad to bounce a volleyball. What I mean by that is you shouldn't do it all the time but you can bounce it once in a while.

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Q: Can bouncing a volleyball on the concrete ruin the volleyball?
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The word volleyball is what kind of noun?

The noun 'volleyball' is a common, concrete, singular noun as a word for a type of ball. The noun 'volleyball' is a common, abstract, uncountable noun as a word for a sport.

Can concrete damage tap shoes?

Yes, it can it will ruin the tap. from a pro. dancer

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Doesn't really matter but if u put it on grass, diving isn't an issue. On concrete however it may hurt

Will a squash ball bounce in concrete?

Yes, a squash ball will bounce on concrete, but the bounce will be much lower compared to bouncing on a squash court surface. The hard surface of concrete absorbs more energy from the ball, resulting in a shorter bounce.

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Men's and Women's indoor volleyball, and beach volleyball men's and women's

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Linear momentum, p=mv, is proportional to mass and velocity. Since the bowling ball far outweighs the volleyball, the difference in velocity would have to be determined in order for them to possess the same amount of momentum. If the volleyball is traveling at a high enough speed (orders of magnitude higher), they can both have the same momentum. Either that or fill the volleyball with concrete.

Is volleyball a collective noun?

No, the noun volleyball is not a collective noun. The noun volleyball is a singular, common, concrete, compound noun, a word for a thing.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole, for example a flock of birds, a bushel of apples, a team of players, etc.

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The bouncing of light is the reflecting.

How many bouncing?

only 5 are bouncing at a time

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Bouncing Boy was created in 1961.

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Bouncing Cats was created in 2010.

When a bouncing ball stops bouncing where does the energy go?
