Yes, but the racial myth of black men can't swim and white men can't jump is just a myth.
black people can jump higher than whites.
I think there's more black than whites.
They were segregated from the whites, who thought they were higher than any other race, the had the dirty-est bathrooms, water fountains, classrooms, and buses.
In those times, black people were slaves of white people. They were not really considered people, instead they were more like property which could be used and sold.
because the whites were afraid of black
They are Caucasians (whites), the majority of them are Arabs and Berbers, who are whites or Caucasians
because the black not as good as the whites, so the whites catch then black and send them to work for the whites
She probably does not like black boys because she only worked with whites and never really wanted to work with a black.
Slavery is when white people take black people for slaves and blacks serve whites.
because when white came to America they pick there new names as carcasions and when black came where were black skin so they was called black and blacks call whites whites
Black children are 2.6 times more likely to drown than whites.
it wasn't technically but no-one really minded if a white person did kill a black person because they used to believe that black people weren't as intelligent, or as civilized, or as human as white people were, and they were thought of as less important.