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I don't mean to be funny here, but the answer is 'sometimes'.

MLB instituted the use of instant replay during the 2008 season. It can be used to determine whether a ball left the park for a home run and to determine whether there was fan interference on a play. But unlike the NFL, where the coach has a red flag that he throws onto the field to indicate a challenge and instant replay will be used to determine the correct call, the MLB manager has no such ability. All 'challenges' are initiated by the crew chief of the umpires working the game. So it might be possible for the manager to convince the crew chief that the play was called wrongly and have instant replay used. But if the crew chief believes the call was made correctly, and usually he consults with the other umpires to get their interpretation of the play, there is no chance that instant replay can be used.

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The team captain must be on the field at all times and if the captain gets carded or injured and is not on the field the vice captain must take their place. The captains job is to encourage and help the team to set up a press and corner ect. The Captains job is also to discuss with the umpires if their has been a wrong call, remember when dealing wit umpires always be polite and respect their final decision.

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17 comprising of 11 fielders, two batsmen, two runners and two umpires.

Can Umpires wearing jewelry on netball court?

no not usually but you will need a hair lacky or a ring to remember what team has the centre pass.

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The role of a captain is to make sure that everyone is fit and healthy for the game and is all prepared. The captain is to do the toss with the opposition captain, report the result back to the umpires, go to umpires with querys regarding calls etc.

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