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Anyone can play cricket, so long as he or she knows how and is capable of playing well. Why, did you want to play on a team?

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Q: Can a student visa person play cricket?
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No, the person must apply for a student visa.

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If you have a student visa and did not attend classes your visa can be revoked. Student visas are given only to those attending school.

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Telephone interview for student visa?

You need to be prepared psychologically, mentally and physically for the telephone interview for the student visa.

What is student visa?

Student Visa - The Full form of VISA is Visitors International Stay Admission. VISA is considered as one of the most important document when a person is travelling to some other country. SI-UK’s Student Visa Service offers advice and assistance to international students wishing to obtain a UK visa, specialising in: Student Visa Application Process In order to complete your UK study visa application quickly and increase its likelihood of success, your immigration matter will be dealt with in a few simple stages: Free initial consultation Provide a checklist for necessary supporting documents Completion and submission of your online application to UKVI Book an appointment for your documents to be submitted at a UK visa centre Communicate with UK visa and immigration on your behalf

Where is it possible to get a Visa student credit card?

You can obtain a Visa student credit card directly from Visa's website by selecting "Visa Student" on the home page. You can also obtain one at many different banks, including US Bank and Scotia Bank.