In Europe, the weather is good sometimes and very bad the rest of the times. If they only played in good weather they'd never get the fixtures completed. The occassions where a match would be cancelled would be waterlogged pitch, and heavy snow (even snow and ice in surrounding areas can cause a match to be cancelled as spectator safety is key). I have been at matched where the fog was so thick I could only see 1/4 of the pitch and rarely see the ball.
u drink water u dum bitch
The game is far too old, to trace back to anyone person. Soccer/Football has roots dating back all the way to 388 BC.
no you cant they canceled it
Fahrenheit not too much but Celsius is too cold.
* Dan and I went to the outdoor football game, but the weather was bad and it was just too cold to sit there. * Dan and I went to the football game, and his neighbor went too.
Cause he uses the "N" word too much.
Christmas it is now too commercial and should be canceled entirely.
soccer mostly, basketball too but soccer is more popular
soccer cause it can keep you healthy it is not too big of a challenge and football came from soccer ---- what he said.
Well they canceled it for good. They think its too dangerous for kids to be doing that stuff.
The dogs were too slow to catch the agile rabbit.
The show was not renewed for a second season for unknown reasons (too much Botox, too many blank stares, too many hissy fits!)