I suppose it is possible, but it is unlikely that anyone would have enough time to give their pet too much attention. Most people actually don't their pets enough attention. Even if you had the time, it wouldn't be nessecary to spend all day attending to your pet. Everyone, including pets, may want some alone time.
But its sad people do give their pets too much attention!
I think she wants you to pet her with out stopping or she wants to play. My cat does that too
Yes, look at football fans then hockey. etc.
“I have a MCH of 32.2, Pg, a given Range by the clinic of 27.0 - 31.0: Is this too high and cause for attention? ”
Yes, it is toxic if too much is given.
If you want a pet that you only have to feed and not give much attention too then, yes. However, you can get fish that take more care than the average goldfish so you may want to research that. If you want a pet to get close to and cuddle and spend time with, no.
Cuz they is dumbazzez
ya they are given too much importance in our society especially by media..........
to get a girl attention you need to say hi to her (but not too much) and sometimes say she looks nice
ya they are given too much importance in our society especially by media..........
yes but not too much
A hamster is a very good mini version of a pet and doesn't cost too much! You can get them at Pet Co or any other pet store!