In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game you may not start a game with fewer than 7 players.
No. In the Official Rules of Baseball rule 4.17 states:
"A game shall be forfeited to the opposing team when a team is unable or refuses to place nine players on the field."
11 players play for each team in a soccer match (including the goalkeeper.)
For a team it depends on how many people there are on that team, example: If there is 8 people on a team, there can only be 9-15 players on a team.
8 players on 1 team
1976 reds 8 players
There can be up to 8 players in a team, however only 5 people are allowed to play at any time, per team.
It changes. You can play 1, 2, 5, 6, or 8.
In one game at one time, there can only be 10 people on the court, 5 from each team. There can be 12 active players on each roster, which means there could be 24 people total that could play in a basketball game.
Normally, there are two players in a game of beach volleyball.
No there are eleven players in a soccer team.
5 to 8 players play at a time
No a netball team has 7 players but you can have reserves which could make up 8 - 9 - 10 or more players