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No. The logo is the property of the sports franchise. It is likely that you will get a letter from a lawyer demanding you stop. You get get permission. Maybe (hah!) it might be affordable. Try it for laughs. Maybe they'll buy your cookies.

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Q: Can a local baker use the Chicago Cubs logo on a cookie without getting in trouble?
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Is a cookie dessert?

Oh Nah............. If it is in good condition,yes it is edible.

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Cookie Bandit - 2002 was released on: USA: October 2002 (Chicago International Children's Film Festival)

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Cookies without flour are not unhealthy. If cookie dough is made without flour, the finished cookie will be very flat and have spread out on the cookie sheet. It won't taste very good, but it is healthy.

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The state with the largest cookie factory is Illinois.

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Probably not possible

Can you keep cookie dough out of the refrigerator without it spoiling?

No, it can't be.

Is there an abercrombie and fitch in Chicago?

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