As of the 2005-2006 season, NHL games can no longer end in a tie. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, both teams are awarded one point and the teams will play five minutes of 4 on 4 hockey (assuming there are no carry over penalties). If at the end of the five minutes AND the teams are still tied, then the teams have a shootout until one team wins. The winning team earns one additional point.
no you go into over time:) If a game ends up in a tie then you would go into over time. The quarters would be 5 minutes long and then at the end of the 5 minutes which ever team is ahead will win. However, it is still tied at the end of the 5 minutes then you will continue to play 5 minutes every quarter until there is a winner at the end of one of the quarters.
Yes, it can. If the game is just a regular season game then it can end in a tie. But if you are in a tournament, the quarterfinal, semifinal, and the championship games cannot end it a tie because a winner is needed to decide who will go on to the next round. How they determine the winner varies in each tournament. The most common way though, is two overtime periods that are usually 5-15 minutes long (depending on the tournament), sometimes it is the first to score is the winner (golden goal) or the winner at the end of the two overtime periods. If the game is still tied after overtime, then in goes into a penalty shootout. In the shootout each team selects 5 shooters to shoot from the penalty spot (a spot that is 12 yards away from the goal line). Whoever made more shots after the 5 shots is the winner. But if it is still tied then you'd go into sudden death, where the first team to miss loses.
In the event of a tie at the end of regulation play, each team places their next hitter on 2nd base with 1 out. It speeds up the game.
This would depend on your league. In all cases, the game is played till there is a winner delcared. Only exceptions would be if your league has an exception.
at the end of a game when the game is tied
No. The game would continue through successive overtimes until somebody scored. No postseason game can end in a tie.
Yes, the game of Yahtzee can end in a tie. I don't think it happens too often, but if two players scored the same on all of their throws the game would end in a tie. It is possible that some of the scores would be different but add up to the same score in the end also.
No. Technically the game can end in a tie if no team scores in the extra 5 minute overtime period, but the current rules require a shootout to determine the winner of the game. Each team gets a point in the season standings for the tie at the end of regulation and the shootout team winner gets an extra point.
When the 80th minture buzzer rings, if teams are tie, golden point..
There was no overtime for NFL regular season games in 1943. If the fourth quarter ended and the game was tied, the game was over and recorded as a tie.
a hockey game shootout starts at the end of a game ends in a tie they go overtime(who ever scores first) then go on breakways (shootout) a hockey game shootout starts at the end of a game ends in a tie they go overtime(who ever scores first) then go on breakways (shootout)
If at the end of 4 quarters the game is tied, the game goes into overtime where the first team to score wins. A coin flip determines who gets the ball first. If the game is still tied at the end of the 15 minute overtime period, the game ends in a tie. If it is the playoffs, the game will be played until there is a score.
well when they were little it was a tie on shippuden they havent put it yet but it will