There is only one extra requirement for a goal keeper's equipment. One player must be the designated goal keeper and they must wear a different color than either team or the opposing goal keeper. There are no requirements in the laws for gloves or long sleeves.
Not all football players wear gloves, but many do. It gives them more gripping ability. If you handle the ball, you definitely want gloves. But it also helps the ones that don't handle the ball, by giving a better grip on their opponent's clothing. My son used to play football, defensive tackle and something else on offense (yes, he was in almost every play of every game), and he wore gloves.
Sure they can. I don't know why you would want to but I don't know of any rules against it. You cannot wear football cleats but I see no reason why you can't wear football gloves. Wear winter gloves for all the ref cares. I would highly recommend purchasing a quality pair of goalie gloves though. High end goalie gloves have something known as finger savers. This stops your fingers from over extending backwards and can save you a lot of money on medical bills. A good pair of goalie gloves will also have a great grip on the ball and will allow you to distribute the ball just as well (they're not sticky rubber) there are a lot of great advantages to investing in a pair of goalie gloves, just go check them out. Id recommend eurosport unless you have a local soccer shop where you can actually try them on and see the difference. Remember, goalie gloves are designed for this stuff. Football gloves aren't.
Why should a goalkeeper have to wear gloves in football? Gloves are only worn for padding and gripping reasons, so it is the choice of the keeper as to whether he prefers the grip of the gloves and whether he feels he needs padding. The only real argument for goalies to have to wear gloves is that if there is a packed penalty area, and the referee sees a hand touch the ball, it is easier in that split second to see if it was the goalkeeper or whether someone comitted hand ball.
i want to know what kind glove rey mysterio wear ????? all name pls == == i've seen him using MMA gloves, soccer goalkeeper gloves and mountain climbing gloves.
Wear gloves
No, there is no need for a goalkeeper to wear a cup.
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The only football/soccer player who will wear a hat is the goalkeeper. This is because the sun is in their eyes. No other player on the pitch would wear a hat as they wouldn't be able to head the ball properly.
there are lots of different football gloves for center/linemen heres a link to a page with football gloves make sure to scroll down that's were the lineman gloves are i would personally recommend the nfl equipment smash football gloves (one of my teammates had this and the grip was nice) (however i do play wide receiver and corner back so i am not an expert, but i do know a lot about football equipment) a lot of centers also wear half finger gloves which are on this page
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No, a goalkeeper can wear any boot they want, there are no special boot designed for keepers.
he wears cutters
They wear their teams kit and then gloves that are used to save the ball.