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well it depends on what hand she is like in left and right and what hand she broke she really could not bat though or throw if she wore a glove

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Q: Can a girl play fastpitch softball with a cast on?
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Related questions

How many people can play softball at one time?

9 on the field in fastpitch and 10 in slowpitch

How many playeers play at once in fastpitch softball?

In the field there are nine and batting only one at the plate

Does everyone have to pitch in fastpitch softball?

Definitely not! You can play any position you want if you are "qualified" for that position and your coach approves

Who is the best 10 and under softball team in the world?

Robison Slow and Fastpitch. Especially Maddy, Kenzie, Hannah, And Melina. They all play Robinson Slow and Fastpitch! GO ROBINSON!

Is it bad to fast while playing softball?

yes, fasting while you play softball is really not a good idea. But i guess it depends on what level youre on. if you play fastpitch, you need to eat otherwise you will faint.

Is there a major league softball?

There is professional softball. They play in the United States as well as other countries such as Japan. any player can play for any team, even if they are not from the area. In this aspect, it is just like major league baseball.

Why is a softball pitcher important?

A softball pitcher is the girl in the circle on the mound in the center of the field. She is the girl who pitches the ball to the batters.

Is fast pitch softball a girle sport?

No! Fast pitch softball is a demanding sport. You have to be quick, tough, but more importantly, you have to be smart. Softball and Baseball are some of the most complicated games played today. Strategy is a huge part of the game. The more you know, the better you will play. Also, there are also plenty of men's fastpitch softball leagues.

A batter over runs first base and returns in the field of play but getting tagged before he is back on base is he out?

no i dont know about in baseball, but in fastpitch softball... the batter would be out

When was the first softball game?

The first game of softball was played on Thanksgiving Day in 1887 in Chicago. George Hancock is credited with the invention of the (originally) indoor game.

What size softball is used for 16 and under fastpitch softball?

its not exatcly measured in diameter but by inched of the circumfrence. which is 10-12 inches depending on the: league, age, and gender

Why is softball for girls Is softball for grls only?

softball is not just for girls just as baseball is not just for boys. there are coed leagues that guys participate in for softball KY MUSTANGS FASTPITCH SOFTBALL#9 TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL LADY RAIDERS SOFTBALL#00