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Q: Can a defender with established position under the basket be allowed to use their body to push a offensive player backwards several feet or is this a push by defensive player?
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Offensive foul where a player runs into a defender?

Charging - When an offensive player runs into a defender who has established position.

In ultimate frisbee what is the name of the defensive player?

There are two defenders with different names. A defender guarding the offensive handler is known as the marker. He marks the disc. A defender anywhere else is just a defender. No special name.

What is pass interference in flag football?

In general, interference is a deliberate act, with contact, to impede a receiver from catching a pass...or an act by a receiver to prevent defensing a pass (offensive pass interference). It is most often hitting or grabbing the receiver before the pass arrives, or a receiver shoving a defender away. If the pass has not been thrown when a defensive penalty occurs, the lesser penalty of illegal contact will apply instead. The rules are different in each level of play (high school, NCAA, NFL), as are the penalties applied.

What does charging mean in basketball?

Charging is illegal personal contact caused by pushing or movinginto an opponent's torso.A player who is moving with the ball is required to stop or change directionto avoid contact if a defensive player has obtained a legal guarding positionin his/her path.If a guard has obtained a legal guarding position, the player with the ballmust get his/her head and shoulders past the torso of the defensive player.If contact occurs on the torso of the defensive player, the dribbler isresponsible for the contact.There must be reasonable space between two defensive players or adefensive player and a boundary line to allow the dribbler to continue inhis/her path. If there is less than 3 feet of space, the dribbler has the greaterresponsibility for the contact.The player with the ball may not push the torso of the guard to gain anadvantage to pass, shoot or dribble.**A defensive player does not have to be stationary to take a charge. he or she simply must have established a legal guarding position. The defense can move backward and sideways. Legal guarding position must be established**

Is it a legal play for an offensive player to stiff arm a defensive player on their helmet or face mask?

No, it is illegal for an offensive player to stiff arm a defensive player on their helmet or face mask. This action would result in a penalty for illegal use of hands to the face.

Who is the Cincinnati Bengals best defender?

Defensive tackle Geno Atkins, with 12.5 sacks.

How do you 'foul' in basketball?

A foul in basketball can range from two different kinds: offensive and defensive fouls, as well as technical fouls. Offensive fouls are fouls when you are on the offensive end, like pushing someone to the side to shoot or pushing slapping someone on the arm to get to the basket. Defensive fouls are the same, but on the defensive end. Technical fouls are called when you do something improper in basketball. For instance, yelling at the referee, throwing the basketball in the stands, and yelling at other players will result in technical fouls. There are offensive and defensive fouls in basketball. A defensive foul occurs when a defender makes contact with the player in possession. An offensive foul occurs when the player with the ball makes contact with a defender who's arms are inside his body. If an offensive player runs into a defensive player whose position is established (both feet are planted) or the offensive player drops his shoulder or pushes off with his arm, then the contact is deemed an offensive foul (foul against the offensive player) and is usually called a "charge." Flagrant fouls occur when one player grabs another and pulls him down, or a player is injured as a result of a hard foul. Technical fouls include defensive three-second penalties and, at the discretion of the official, when a player or coach exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct. By definition a foul is "when one player gains an illegal advantage over another through physical contact". In layman's terms, physical contact between two players is not illegal. However, if that contact creates an advantage (as in a shot was affected or a player could not move freely to another position on the court) then it is deemed a foul. If you are Thomas Robinson from the University of Kansas apparently all you have to do to be called for a foul is be on the court.

What is the Chicago Defender?

An influential Black Weekly newspaper established in 1905.

What is a pancake in football?

It's when an offensive player blocks and knocks over a defender.

What is a basketball miss match?

its when a player has a clear offensive advantage over his defender.

A defender who roam either in front of or behind the defender line to pick stray passes or mark an open opponent?

A defender should roam either in front of or behind the defensive line to pick stray passes or mark an open opponents - That is true

What is turnover in ultimate Frisbee?

A turnover in ultimate is when the offensive team loses possession of the disc to the defensive team. This can happen when:1. The disc hits the ground (whether it be from a missed catch or from a defender smacking it to the ground. 2. A defender catches a disc 3. An offender catches the disc out of bounds or the disc lands out of bounds. 4. The stall count on the thrower hits ten seconds.