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Q: Can a cogon grass can be made as a basket?
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What is protective parts of cogon?

The protective parts of cogon grass are the extensive rhizomes it grows to protect the grass sheath. Cogon grass is a warm weather or semitropical grass that grows quickly because of these protective rhizomes.

Use cogon in a sentence?

Cogon grass is an invasive grass species that is tall and coarse and grows in the tropics and subtropics. SENTENCE: Dave's been out in his backyard all day trying to get rid of the cogon grass.

Procedures in making biodegradable plastics using cogon grass?

Pound the cogon Grass mix with styrofaom and newspaper and tadaa plastic :))

Do cogon have thorns?

Cogon grass does not have thorns. It is a perennial grass species native to Southeast Asia and is known for its rapid growth and invasive nature.

How do you extract silica from cogon grass?

Silica can be extracted from cogon grass by burning the grass to ash, then using an acid such as hydrochloric acid to dissolve and isolate the silica. This process involves multiple steps and precautions to ensure safe handling of the materials.

What are the uses of the cogon grass?

It can be manufactured as sugar.

A container made of grass or reeds?


What is the protective structure of cogon grass?

stiff hail

What is the scientific name of cogon grass?

The scientific name of cogon grass is Imperata cylindrica. It is a perennial grass native to Southeast Asia but has become an invasive species in many regions around the world.

How does cogon dispersed?

Cogon grass disperses through seed production and wind dispersal. The seeds are small and light, allowing them to be carried by the wind over long distances. Additionally, cogon grass can also spread through rhizomes, which are underground stems that produce new shoots and roots.

How do you make paper using cogon grass without using used paper?

Any grass including cogon can be pulped using chemicals and once pulp, can be used for making paper without using used paper.

Is cogon seed is a monocot or a dicot?

Cogon grass seed is considered a monocot because it belongs to the Poaceae family, which consists of monocotyledonous plants. Monocotyledonous plants have seeds with only one cotyledon or seed leaf.