If you are generically using the word "little league" then the answer is yes. Under USSSA rules you can bat the entire lineup and after the 9th batter the remainder are called EH's (extra hitters) or terms similar. These individuals will not take the field but bat when the 10 & 11 slots come up.
If you are speaking of Little League Baseball Rules (official term) then I believe you bat 9 and have substitutions.
They have to play 1 inning in the field and have to have at least 1 at bat.
If the baseball hit the ground in foul territory, the ball is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory, and the batter/runner is still in the batter's box when the baseball hits him, it is a foul ball. If the baseball hit the ground in fair territory and the batter/runner is out of the batter's box when the baseball hits him, the batter/runner is out and the ball is dead.
You must pitch the ball in 12 seconds in pro and little baseball. If the batter doesn't come, then you just have to pitch it.
Little League World Series Baseball was created in 2008.
In Major League Baseball, 90 feet. In Little League, 60 feet.
no one is going to complain in little league
Probably the Pecole little league rookie league championship game, either that or the little league world series championship game in williamsport :)
In little league baseball, the home team dugout is the 3rd base dugout.
A little league baseball league
46 feet. http://www.sportsknowhow.com/Baseball/field-dimensions/little-league-baseball-field-dimensions.html
From base to base, each path in Little League Baseball is 60 feet long, which is 30 feet less than that of Major League Baseball. There is a total of 360 feet of pathways around the baseball diamond in Little League Baseball.