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Absolutely. It absorbs all the colors of light that do not bounce off and give it the color you see. If it is an orange Basketball, then it absorbs all the blue and most of the green. What is left over is a little bit of yellow and a little bit more of red, mixed together it looks orange.

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Q: Can a basketball absorb light
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What colors can an orange basketball absorb?

none its a basketball none its a basketball

How does light absorb things?

Light does not absorb things. Light can be absorbed by things.

Red and blue will absorb the same light?

Red and blue light will not absorb the same light. Red objects reflect red light and absorb other colors, while blue objects reflect blue light and absorb other colors.

Is there a chemical that can absorb light and then in the absence of light discharge that light?

There is no chemical that will absorb light and ONLY discharge it in the absense of light, however there are chemicals that will absorb light, store it as heat, and discharge it as light slowly, so that if light is removed it will continue to glow.

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An object that is black or very dark in color will typically absorb the most light because dark colors absorb light rather than reflecting it. Additionally, objects with rough surfaces or materials that specifically absorb light rays across a broad spectrum will also absorb more light.

What color most absosrb light Dark or light?

Dark colors absorb more light than light colors because they contain higher levels of pigmentation, which allows them to absorb and retain more light energy. Light colors reflect more light and appear brighter as they do not absorb as much light.

Do plants absorb all types of light, yes or no?

No, plants do not absorb all types of light.

Does the color blue absorb light?

No, the color blue does not absorb light. In fact, blue objects appear blue because they reflect blue light and absorb other colors.

Do trees absorb light?

Yes, they do absorb light. They transfer the light-energy to chemical energy by a proces called fotosynthesis.

What type of light spectrum can you absorb?

Every spectrum of light can be absorbed with the right materials.

What does absorb spectrum absorb light for?

it means holds most

Will light or dark colors absorb more light to melt the ice cube?

Dark colors absorb heat from light better.