Yes. It depends only on height and vertical leap of this guy. Shaq was around 350 lb if I remember good, and he could dunk easily.
I think he did dunk a ball on NBA inside stuff with Amahd Rashad.
pound guy
SLAM DUNK! Because, sometimes, assists just don't cut it.
Yes, it is possible. It depends on how long your arms are and your vertical jump. I would say if you could have a 20-26 in. vertical, you could dunk, not easily, but you could still dunk.
Dunk tank
in 1996 while playing for the l.a clippers brent barry won the slam dunk contest with a dunk from the foul line emulating previous dunks by dr j and Jordan in 1996 while playing for the l.a clippers brent barry won the slam dunk contest with a dunk from the foul line emulating previous dunks by dr j and Jordan
poor guy. no
it was a sexyal guy
The main goal of sex is to provide your partner with a pleasurable experience. Screaming a guy's name is something his mother does when he doesn't take out the garbage.
pound for pound is a way of saying without the obvious weight differance, is this guy who's 140lbs a better fighter than this guy who's 240lbs, it's who would win hypothetically if weight didn't matter. so the best pound for pound fighter would be simply the best, even though he'd lose to someone because of size.