

Can Lacrosse goalies cross midfield

Updated: 10/21/2022
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15y ago

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yes they can as long as somebody stays back for them (there must be at least 4 people back at all times.. this is usually three long poles and a goalie)

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Can Lacrosse goalies wear leg pads?

Box lacrosse goalies do wear leg pads made of hard plastic material like a big shin guards, in field lacrosse goalies can only wear soccer style shin guards

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You've got Midfield, Attack ( Which is what i play), Defense, and Goalie.

Should you be a lacrosse goalie or middy?

It really depends on what you like to do as a lacrosse player. If you like to run, you want to be a midfield because you won't be able to run much as a goalie. As a midfield you are always in the action. If you like blocking shots and staying on the field a lot, goalie is a good choice. Personally, I like midfield because I like to run and don't like having shots ripped at me.

In lacrosse what type of plaers use longer sticks?

defense men or in some cases there can be a long pole midfield