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The odds are against it. Ask your father to explain! And best of luck!

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Q: Can A relationship with a 23 year old woman and a man 20 years older than her work?
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What do you do if you really like someone that is a lot older than you?

Firsty how much older are they and what are their ages. plus does the older person feel the same way and is he or she in a relationship. He is 5 years older than me and not in a relationship, we always talk and are really close but i dont know whether we are in a relationship.

Did shakespeare marry an older woman?

yes, he did. his wife was eight years older than Shakespeare himself.

Is it okay to date a woman 5 years older than yourself?

As long as you both are older then 18, then yes.

What Are the problems of dating younger women?

If the girls are 6 years younger than you or 5 or 4 and so on it is ok but if they are 7 years 8 years younger than you than dude you got a serious problem you need to get some help. I myself am a girl who likes a guy that is 5 years older than me and everyone says if he was any older he would be a freak.

Can a 60year old women fancy a 30year old women?

Yes, but that is a great age span and eventually the younger of the two will grow weary of theslowed downcharacteristics of the older woman. No different than an older man marrying a woman 30 years youngers. The prospects of such a relationship working out has a low percentage.

What was William Shakespeare's relationship with his wife?

Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years older than Shakespear

Which is older Woman or Lady?

To me I think a woman is older than a lady

Is it okay for a 23-year-old guy to look into a relationship with a 36-year-old woman or is the age difference too drastic?

Only you can Judge. Their is nothing "wrong" with entering a relationship with an older woman. In this day and age people are becoming more acepting of this. Look at Anna Nicole Smith and her husband, he was 70 years older than she was. What is 13 years? Go for it, have some fun that's what life is all about! good luck KeVin Toronto

What s your ethics view about wife being elder then husband?

I don't see a problem with a woman being older than her partner/husband/lover/boyfriend. It's the same as if the man was older than the woman. Personally, it makes no difference to me whatsoever who is older in a relationship, as long as they get along and love each other.

Did dinah shore have a relationship with John Travolta?

No, but in the 1970s, she did have a four-year relationship with Burt Reynolds, who was at the height of his fame. She was 20 years older than him.

How much older than Cleopatra was Marc Antony?

Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.Marc Antony was about 14 years older than Cleopatra.