Dealers usually charge around twice face for mint stamps, the $5.00 Harte would cost you around $10 ,so you might be able to sell it to a collector for somewhere between $5 and $10. Used about $1, if its in good condition.
Buffalo Bill is still very common -- hard to sell at face if mint and of negligible value used.
Stamps like this are rarely sold individually, but in packets or collections.
The mintmark (if any) will be found under the 2 in "2002" on the front of your coin. Keep in mind that your coin may bear no mintmark.
First you you take a step on the balls of your feet,then shuffle your leg then take another step then stamp your foot. (stamp means to put all your wight on it and you do not left it up again)
If your ring is old, the mark may be WWW. That would be the mark of White, Wile, and Warner of Buffalo New York. They were making quality jewelry in the early 1900's.
No, it is not a Forever Stamp.
The stamp-postage value of a stamp is visible on the front of the stamp.
the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.
on the envelope.
Scott Number 2252 Minimal value for this stamp indicates that the cost is in packaging and tracking and not the stamp itself. A dealer isn't going to be interested in purchasing a single copy. You would be better to use it for postage rather than trying to sell it. Or trade with another collector!
the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.
the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.