Bill Fralic's birth name is William Fralic.
Bill Fralic is 195 cm.
Bill Fralic was born on October 31, 1962, in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, USA.
The Kaulitz family has 4 dogs; Scotty (mix black lab/doberman), Toms dog (German shorthair) and 2 Dachshunds. One seems to be more Bills since he posed with it in Bravo magazine.
no. it has to show unmoveable and confermed survice to that location. a magazine bill can be moved from location to location....uitlity bill is only for that on location
Bill the Minder was created in 1985.
Bill Diddel died in 1985.
The cast of Bill the Minder - 1985 includes: Peter Chelsom as Narrator
Bill Tenner was a man who worked on the ranch and loved this magazine. He wrote a letter to the magazine and Slim and Whit saw this and remembered him. Bill Tenner was a man who worked on the ranch and loved this magazine. He wrote a letter to the magazine and Slim and Whit saw this and remembered him.
Bill Fiedler died in 1985-09.