4. On your 5th foul in college basketball you have fouled out of the game.
In Basketball, a foul, is a penalty for doing something against the rules of the game.
A disqualifying foul is one that causes the player to be ejected from the game.
over the back.
That's just how the game was invented.
it is if you foul, you might want to watch a game and see for yourself
The first basketball game was in Springfield,Massachusetts in 1891.
Just because you score doesn't mean you foul. You can score 75 points and never commit a foul. It is unlikely but it can happen.
No. It would instantly be a technical foul.
Michael Jordan Was The Best To Ever Play The Game Of Basketball.
It is when you foul someone non-stop. You always foul out in a baskteball game. And you always push or lke slam someone, and foul them really badly.