The presentday Baltimore Orioles have won three World Series titles to date (2011).
The Orioles won vs. LA Dodgers in 1966, vs. Cincinnati Reds in 1970 and
vs. Milwaukee Brewers (when the Brewers were still an American League team)
in 1983.
The Orioles lost World Series to NY Mets in 1969 and to Pittsburgh Pirates
in both 1971 and 1979.
But just in case this is a trick question perhaps a little more history is in order.
The original AL franchise in Baltimore (1901,1902) was also named Orioles
before relocating to NYC in 1903 as the Highlanders before being renamed
as the Yankees in 1913. Since winning their first WS title in 1923, the
Yankees have won 27 in total and lost 13.
3 ... 1969 to the New York Mets, 1971 to the Pittsburgh Pirates, and 1979 to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
The Baltimore Orioles have won the World Series three times: 1966 (Los Angeles Dodgers); 1970 (Cincinnati Reds); 1983 (Philadelphia Phillies)
The Baltimore Orioles have won 3 World Series: 1966, 1970 and 1983.
The Orioles won World Series championships in 1966, 1970 and 1983.
2 ... for the Baltimore Orioles in 1966 and 1970.
The Pirates have won 5 World Series. 1909 against the Detroit Tigers 1925 against the Washington Nationals 1960 against the New York Yankees 1971 against the Baltimore Orioles 1979 against the Baltimore Orioles
In 2011, the Baltimore Orioles had a 69-93 record.
In 1988, the Baltimore Orioles had a 54-107 record.
In 2000, the Baltimore Orioles had a 74-88 record.
The New York Mets Have won two World Series titles. 1969, and 1986.
The Yankees have won four World Series championships since 1997.1998, 1999, 2000, 2009
In 2008, the Baltimore Orioles had a 5-20 record in September.
As of the 2014 season, the Baltimore Orioles have 10 right handed batters.