My foot
Kevin Garnet
There has yet to be a professional female football player.
The Oilers all have different paychecks depending on the skill of the player.
It depends on what position they play. The quarterback makes the most money which is about 9million$ a sesason. The average of a player is 2-9million$.
debit wages expensescredit wages payable
Francesc Fabregas - Arsenal Captain - £110,000 a week wages plus bonuses.
30% off of minimum wages = 30% discount applied to the minimum wages = minimum wages - (30% * minimum wages)
Each contract for any English premier player will be unique to the player, but in general, because the player is in contract with the club, the club would have a duty to pay full wages to a player even if he is suspended.
Wages is plural
Taxing wages would have to be wages that you have worked for and earned by providing services for an employer.
wages expense and wages payable