cleats arent fake they are ranked in how professional all they are : amateur $20-30 semi-pro $60-80 and pro $100-400
If the wholesale price of Nike shoes is significantly lower than the official suggested retail price, you should highly suspect that they may be fake. The cost and profit margin of genuine Nike shoes are limited. Buy high-quality shoes at WeeReplica.
Nike 2010 is a real site. Though the website may seam dodgy the boots are actually genuine quality and are made of authentic materials.
His world cup boots silver and orange in shops the real one which he wears is £189 which I bought.Even if u buy the fake ones if u think u can improve at football buy his boots and up go like Cristiano ronaldo
Fake ones don't have the pigeon patch.
Bad idea, as a lot of technology and safety guidelines are used when Manufactuer's are designing and building boots. The cost of you making your own would be higher than just buying a pair of mainstream boots.
No, the Nike company does not accidentally make fake shoes. Every show that the company makes is a Nike branded shoe.
Fake. Your parents wouldn't be able to afford a pair of mink boots.
Real air force 1's are $90 while a pair of fakes cost a wholesale price and if it comes in a box covered with paper.
No they are legit custom mades by nike guy
Yes her boobs are fake :)
no carbon fiber and checkered=FAKE
they would be fake if they weren't made by nike or the Jordan brand