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Yes double throw double dutch

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14y ago
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13y ago

randomly tap buttons

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12y ago

We must watch video on YouTube

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Does miniclip has virures?

I do not believe so. I play on miniclip and have never had any viruses from it. norton360 says it is secure.

Is there any other website and not miniclip to play Feather Keeper?

there are but it always takes you to miniclip in order to play the game

Is a proskate urban beach skateboard good?

they are OK for just riding but if you want to pull any tricks get a good skateboard like blind or venom

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Is Miniclip fun?

I like it. It doesn't have any viruses.

Any good video game websites?

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Why does miniclip have RuneScape on it On the RuneScape website it says not to enter your password on any website except RuneScape and funorb. What about miniclip?

because it is a link to the runescape website

How do you become a miniclip employe?

They are not currently taking any more employees.

Is there any games like miniclip?

there is one game i know that sucks

Is there any cheats for miniclip game fury faceoff?

Nope Sorry