Glenn Hysen's son was gay, but there are no official reports of any current players being gay.
Mat Latos
None have come out of the closet yet.
i live in South Carolina woot woot and yess there are tonss. I'm one but I'm gay.
There hasn't been any publicly known homosexual players that have played for Tottenham Hotspur.
No he is definitely not gay. You're gay for asking that.
As of now, there are no openly gay hockey players in the NHL. However, in a recent poll of all NHL players, over 80% of them said they believe they have a gay teammate.
The Black Panther Party was not connected to sexual orientation. They were an African American Civil rights movement. There were gay members in the group, but it was not a gay group.
While it is certain that some players in World of Warcraft are gay, most are not, so playing the game in itself is not any indication.
i would be interested to support gay players
no sabino is gay and he needs to tell me what he knows about colton