emmanuel frimpong
Max Aarons
Carlton Cole
Suck Balls
Brian Kidd
Ian Woan
Simeon Jackson , plays for gillingham
Didier Digard at Middlesbrough is one...
Skyward sword.
Please see the related question below. The SS were Hitler's notorious blackshirts who, among other things, ran the concentration camps and extermination camps in World War 2.
There are no and have never been any English footballers in the Premier League (1992 - Today) with the initials F.O. The only player with these initials to ever play in the premier league is Filipe Oliveira a Portuguese winger who appeared on 5 occasions for Chelsea FC. The only English player in history with these initials is Fred Obrey, who played for Port Vale pre-world war II.
That was the SS. Please see related question.