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Xavi and Abel Xavi (surname only)

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Q: Are there any Football names x?
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What football names start with x?

Well, to know my knowledge I can think of Xavi, Xabi alonso

Are there any football players names beginning with i?

Ibrahimavic Ivanovic Iniesta Inzaghi

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Yes, go to for there names.

Are there any football players names beginning with R?

· Aaron Rodgers · John Riggins

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Are there any football teams starting with the letter x?

No, at least not in the NFL. NO!

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The letter X does not appear in any of the names of African nations.

Do any country names start with x?

There are no countries in the world that begin with the letter x.

Are there any names of colors that begin with x?

xanthic (yellow)

Are the any football players names beginning with H?

· Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsh · Paul Hornung