Well of course, the Pacesetters are the best drill team ever! That's just my opinion though. Everyone is going to think the their drill team is the best...who wouldn't? I love the Pacesetter!
Gymnastics, ballet, jazz, and hip hop are best for drill team.
Gussie Nell Davis.
The best speedway team ever is proberly either the 2008 Czestochowa team the 2011 Gorzow team or the 2010 Poole Team
Kentucky's (UK) 1996 team was by far the best team to ever play the game.
Its the best game ever.
Liverpool is the best team ever! I am telling you the truth! Do you want to know who is the worst team is...Manchester United!!
Team America!
Real Madrid is the best team EVER
YES The Cowboys are the BEST TEAM in NFL history!
rabbitohs are not actually the best team ever, even though they may have one a few cups nad whatnot thye are actually not the best team ever, dragons are
By latest rating of ever, India was the best team for the whole generation
yes Celtic is the best