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If the ball hits the line it's a FAIR BALL

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14y ago
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14y ago

The lines are part of the area they border. The lines around the outside of the field are part of the field.

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11y ago

No, the ball has to COMPLETELY cross the line in order for it to be called out. That means the entire circumfernce of the ball has to be on the out side of either the Touchline or Goal line.

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Q: Are the lines in or out for soccer?
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Which LEGO lines are fitted for Soccer figurines?

There are several Lego lines that are fitted for Soccer figurines. Lego toys such as Stephanie's Soccer Practice, is made for people to use their soccer figurines on.

The lines that mark a soccer field are called?

The lines that mark a soccer field are touch lines, goal lines, the halfway line, the center circle, corner arcs, goal area lines, penalty area lines, and penalty arcs.

How do you mark the lines on a soccer field?

The lines on a soccer field mark different sides and positions within the field. These are made with a chalk or with a paint.

When is the ball in or out of bounds in soccer?

In professional soccer when the ball goes outside of the lines it is out of bounds.

What sports have boundary lines that are in?

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What are the side boundary lines in soccer?

The lines that mark a soccer field are touch lines, goal lines, the halfway line, the center circle, corner arcs, goal area lines, penalty area lines, and penalty arcs.

What marks the sides of the soccer field?

The touch lines.

What are the name of the lines in soccer?

out of bounds line, dumbo

How many lines of symmetry on a soccer pitch?

ther are two lines of symetry on a football pitch

What are the boundary lines in soccer?

In soccer, the boundary lines are the touchlines (sidelines) and the goal lines (end lines) that define the field of play. The ball must completely cross these lines for the ball to be considered out of play.

How many straight lines are there on a soccer pitch?


Should the goal linesbe longer than the touchlines in soccer?

The touch lines must be longer than the goal lines.