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No, they have never been called the duck bills.

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Q: Are the Buffalo Bills ever called the duck bills?
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How do you get bills in FarmVille?

There are no "bills" on farmville.(unless you mean DUCK bills. lol)You must buy it using your own money

Why are platypuses like birds?

they have duck bills/beaks

How are a platypus and a duck same?

they both have bills and webbed feet

Do duck bills feel like rubber?

Duck bills feel a little bit like hard rubber. This is because they need to be strong in order to peck defensively and to sieve water for food particles.

Can you give a sentence using the word bill?

Bill taught his duck to carry and deliver bills in his bill.

How do you tell the sex of a duck if they are both white?

girls have darker bills and their quack is more horase sounding.

What kind of beak does dove have?

Ducks have beaks, because the use their beaks to find and eat food.

Where would you find a bill?

on a duck handed to you by a waiter in order to process your payment in a bank (if you are referring to bills as currency)

Where would find a bill?

on a duck handed to you by a waiter in order to process your payment in a bank (if you are referring to bills as currency)

Do Duck have teeth?

Ducks don't have teeth. Their bills on the inside has severed edges to grab bugs and underwater weed in the water.

How long ago did duck bills go extinct?

"Duckbill" is not the correct term; nor are they extinct. Platypuses are not even classified as endangered in 2014.

Who are the individuals who represent special interest groups that try to influence congress and their bills?

National Rifle Association