

Are school uniforms cool

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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they are liek that because they are made of a tipe of material that make it not lose because teachers and principals dontwant you to be all lose because they think it may be easy for the shirt to fall of off or if your gettign bullied the bully may pull your shirt off ans it will not be pretty or even good at all

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11y ago

YES. When students are allowed to wear their own clothes (Baggy, loose or deep pocketed) they are expressing themselves through clothing. Forcing a student to wear a uniform would conflict with a students individuality/expression and would fall into the category of government interference.

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It depends on a persons opinion, but most school children do not enjoy uniforms.

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Why shouldn't you wear school uniforms?

School uniforms are actually not that itchy and prevent cool and not cool styles

Why is it better for kids not to wear uniforms to school?

because its cool

How do you express yourself with school uniforms?

if u want to be cool in school with uniforms follow these three tips: 1. walk in the hall with your hips shaking. 2. make sure your books are covered with cool book socks. 3.have a sexy atitude.

Do school administrators want school uniforms?

Well some pupils like it so they want to wear it but some people dont they think that it is not very cool and trendy!!1

Are school uniforms cool for kids to wear not really no?

Depends on the person, In my school ZHS..We wear Marron && Yellow polo shirts with blue jeans..

Where can i get cheap school uniforms for my kids?

You can get cheap school uniforms for your kids at They have alot of deals for school uniforms. Also Zappos and French Toast have cheap school uniforms.

Are uniforms a waste of money?

Opinion 1:Yes, school uniforms are a waste of money. If you go to a school where it is mandatory to wear school uniforms your child may be feeling trapped, where he/she can't really show who they truly are, looking like everyone else around them.Opinion 2:No, school uniforms are not a waste of money. Many young people feel pressured to be "cool" and families can easily spend more on socially-acceptable clothes than on uniforms. Research has also indicated that students who wear compulsory school uniforms feel less pressured to conform to what their peers want, and are able to focus better on their school studies.

Why school uniforms are wrong?

you have your own style and you look like every one else. i havr two words for youNOT COOL!!

How many countries have school uniforms?

Many schools that cant be listed

Who created school uniforms?

It was long ago when somebody created school uniforms

What are the benefits from using school uniforms?

Nothing there is absolutely no point in school uniforms!

What are the advantages of wearing school uniforms?

The advantages of wearing your school uniforms are it helps maintain school discipline. Uniforms reduce social conflict and violence in the school. You will have no distractions during school or your classes.