That depends on the person. Not all male cheerleaders are gay, some are, and some aren't.
Guys usually think that cheerleading isn't a sport or it's just gay to be c male cheerleader so they wouldn't do it but it really isn't b/c male cheerleaders get more action when they're on a cheer team.
gay male means you, as a male, are attracted to other males.
Gay is: gay sexualy, male to male contact gay is alos an ilsand and then gay can mean Happy
Yes they can. In fact at many schools and universities, the male cheerleaders play a vital role as they are usually the only ones with the strength to lift and throw the lighter female cheerleaders in the air. Famous male cheereleaders include: comedian/actor Steve Martin, actor Samuel L. Jackson, as well as President Bush and Eisenhower.
Yes, you can. Depending on county laws, though, you might have some recourse.
Gay people do the same as a majority of straight people. Gay is a sexual attraction to a male and another male.
Answer:I'm British where we don't even HAVE cheerleaders (we can cheer on our own, you see) and even I think that the very notion of a becoming male cheerleader where (I'll assume) a vast majority of cheerleaders are girls, that would be an exceedingly risky idea, alongside putting your dignity on the line.Answer:It is too bad that people who are not educated on the subject of cheer leading leave comments on this page. Male cheerleaders are a asset to many squads form youth league, to high school, college, and all-star. I don't think being a male cheerleader will make you more popular, but it certainly won't hurt your dignity. PS lots of college scholarships for guys in college cheerleading.Answer:I think that if you want to cheer, male or female, its cool that you are going with what you wanna do. Some people might not think that male cheerleaders are cool but that is a matter of opinion. I for one thinks its pretty awesome because some cheerleaders are very talented. Also it has its benefits as the person above me said, you can get scholarships from doing cheerleading.Answer:Hi, I am a female cheerleader and you are cool in your own crowd. Just like the band people. If your friends don't like you to be in cheerleading or anybody makes fun of you, just tell them you get to spend a lot of time with hot girls.Answer:I'm a female cheerleader too, and guys are really valuable to a cheer squad. This is especially true in College cheer. Most of the bases are males. It depends on the team, but that's mostly true. Also...guys tumbling is amazing. Male cheerleaders can tumble circles around girl cheerleaders. Check out male tumbling on you tube. It's pretty sick stuff.Video-Answer: for yourself, mate.
Males who are gay are known as homosexuals. These individualcs can collect in groups as friends or lovers. Gay bars tend to be an area where you can find gay male and female groups.
There are no gay,not gay piercings contrary to popular opinion.
Gay may have 2 meanings, For Ex. Am so gay today... Meaning your so "happy" today ... or Your such a gay ! , meaning your a male which have sex with another male. Which can be abusive