Arsenal but Everton are also a very good club.
Shoreline FCBeachside everton
The official twitter handle of Everton Football Club is @Everton.
Everton 2 - 1 Fulham ps. everton rule!
everton nigg nigg
everton are better everton have actually one more stuff than Chelsea in there history and everton allways finish above villa!
Jermaine beckford plays for everton. he used to play for leeds united but moed to everton in the summer of 2010. he was leeds' top scorer for many seasons and has many good stike partners such as tresor kandol, luciano becchio and Robert snodgrass. Jermaine beckford will never have such a good career at everton as he did at leeds and im sure he will regter moving there.
Everton 7-1 Sunderland in the premier league 2008-2009
Everton Everton
Everton Weekes was born in 1925.