drugs are bad to anyone, that's just the god honest truth, im not saying they don't take ddrugs, but its illlegal in Baseball and if they are caught they are fined or banned for a certain amount of games
Bad players.
yes. they did and they hoped that no one would find out
if the result is negative then they took drugs and if it is positive then they are clean
Basebal players and some football players
It's a superstition many players (including me) have. Stepping on the foul line gives you bad luck.
Stretching is good for all athletes and people unless you are specifically told not to by a doctor.
Drugs are bad, mmkkaayyy.
Thomas Jefferson was not addicted to medicine drugs or any bad type of drugs.
Yes, just like in any sport, there are soccer players that take drugs, both legal and illegal ones.
amatteur baseball players
Drugs are bad for your health.