

Are crickets harmful to dogs

Updated: 10/21/2022
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13y ago

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No. if my dog doesn't die from geese crap it should be okay.

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Q: Are crickets harmful to dogs
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Are there any health concerns in dogs who eat crickets?

No, crickets are actually very healthy for dogs and many other animals.

How are crickets harmful to animals?

the other animals get scared of them

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No, they make allot of noise but they are not harmful to people.

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If a dog is not trained properly and is spoiled, it can be harmful to the people in the house or strangers. But domestic dogs in general are not harmful creatures. I've been trying to say that, I don't know what is happening, yes, domestic dogs are not generally harmful.

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Some dogs do they eat crickets or anything else small enough my dog did that that's how I know

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Stray dogs are quite harmful.

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