Not all NBA contracts are guaranteed. Many players must earn their roster spot to earn their money. One example of this is that first round draft picks have guaranteed contracts, but draft picks after that must make the team before or their contracts are terminated.
All major league contracts are guaranteed. So are NBA. NFL contracts are not guaranteed.
The difference is the Union. The NBA have guaranteed salaries in their CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). The NFL does not have clauses that guarantee the entire salary, but the signing bonuses are the guaranteed portion of their contracts.
All pro sports except for football have guaranteed contracts.
No contracts are guaranteed.
The non-team option years are.
yes because if you are a head coach you have a base salary of a certain amount that you have to be paid
They are guaranteed a profit.
They are guaranteed a profit.
as much as it says in their contracts
No because of the lockout no rookies have signed their contracts therefore the will not be in the game.
no and no