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Q: Are Notre dame academic standards for athletes higher than other schools?
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Which is true of school systems in the North?

African American schools had inferior materials.

What is the best form of education?

You could try private schooling, if there are private or religious schools in your area that have higher academic standards. You or your spouse could also look into homeschooling your child; while this is a huge time commitment, it will allow you to tailor the curriculum to fit your needs.

What is the requirements for army medics?

Higher than average academic standards, for obvious reasons; they are trained at Fort Sam Houston Texas.

What is the best form of alternative education?

You could try private schooling, if there are private or religious schools in your area that have higher academic standards. You or your spouse could also look into homeschooling your child; while this is a huge time commitment, it will allow you to tailor the curriculum to fit your needs.

What exactly are charter schools for?

Charter Schools are a type of public school within the United States. Children and teenagers attending charter schools are usually expected to perform at higher standards. Charter Schools are usually required to maintain higher overall test scores, well. These schools attempt to help children better prepare for college.

What are passing grades?

A D- average is usually the lowest passing grade. Some schools however may set higher standards.

What kind of school is Catholic?

Catholic schools are schools that pay reference to God in school, whereas reference to God would be considered offensive to non catholic students in a public school. Catholic schools usually enforce a uniform policy and have higher standards than public schools.

Describe how redlining may affect the educational system?

Redlining can lead to segregated neighborhoods with disparities in school funding and resources. This can result in schools in redlined areas having higher concentrations of poverty and fewer opportunities for academic success. As a result, students in these schools may face additional challenges in accessing quality education and academic support.

What is an academic institution?

An academic institution is an educational establishment dedicated to higher education and research, which grants academic degrees.

Is wevac university degree certs fake or recognised?

Accredited college degrees and academic certifications are considered legitimate and recognized. Wevac is an accredited online university. The accreditation is a peer review system. Accreditation agencies are non-government organizations evaluating schools and colleges based on a predefined set of standards for quality guidelines to assure higher standards of education. This system is thorough and considered trustworthy.

What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980's?

One of the most prominent educational issues of the mid-1980s was the push for education reform, including calls for higher academic standards, increased accountability for schools, and efforts to address inequalities in education. This era saw the publication of reports like "A Nation at Risk," which highlighted concerns about the quality of education in the United States.

The Different Types of Boarding Schools?

A boarding school is an academic setting that provides room and board for at least a portion of the enrolled student body as well as academics. Boarding schools can provide room and board to students year round or only during the academic term. Many schools also have students who live at home and commute each day to class. These students are referred to as "day students."Boarding schools can be categorized according to their primary focus. The first is an academic school. These schools are designed to prepare their students for higher levels of education. Because they are preparatory in nature they are often referred to colloquially as "prep schools."The next group can be characterized as a specialty boarding school. They have a purpose beyond academics. These schools are often single gender so that they can focus solely on the needs of that one group as they grow and mature. Another type of specialty boarding school is a military academy. These schools have a longstanding tradition of preparing their graduates not only for higher learning but also for leadership positions in the military and civilian sector. Other specialty schools include performing arts schools, which supplement academics with pre-professional training in dance, singing or the theater, and sports schools that specialize in preparing highly gifted athletes both physically and academically.A third group is sectarian boarding schools. These schools are generally associated with and funded by a particular religious community. The schools can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim or other religious group. These schools incorporate the religious values that they espouse along with the academic curriculum.Finally, there are the specialty boarding schools that adapt their curriculum to children with special needs. These schools can be therapeutic boarding schools, such as those for children who are blind, deaf or need long-term hospital care. This category also includes schools geared toward helping emotionally troubled teens.Whatever your family's particular situation, there is a boarding school designed to fulfill your child's needs.