no...thats ridiculous i hope your extremely young or just not capable of putting together a serious question.
The Bloods gang and the Vice Lords gang are two completely different gangs. The Bloods gang is a gang under the Blood Alliance & the Vice Lords gang is a gang under the People Nation.
He is one of the founders along with Vincent Owens of the "bloods" gang.
The Bloods gang was created in 1972, in Los Angeles, Cali. SIDE NOTES: The Bloods gang is NOT in the People Nation, the Bloods gang is in the Blood Alliance. All gangs in the Blood Alliance are rivals to gangs in the Crip Alliance, such as the Crips gang.
The Blue gang is crips and the RED gang is the BLOODS
Is the almighty black p stones the same as the bloods gang?
Of course the Bloods gang would favor the color red over every other color.
No. Ap, the Armenian gang, hangs with surenos. The sure is don't like black gangs like the Bloods.
There's no such Blood set called the ''Dallas Bloods'', however there are several Blood gang sets found in Dallas, such as the Bounty Hunter Bloods, Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods, Crenshaw Mafia Gangster Bloods, Lincoln Park Bloods, Sex Money Murder Bloods, etc.
The BLOODS gang
Big Meechs