It's says nothing of any relation in their bio's on their individual NBA sites.
Rasual Butler was born on May 23, 1979.
Rasual Butler was born on May 23, 1979.
NBA player Rasual Butler is 6'-07''.
NBA player Rasual Butler weighs 215 pounds.
Rasual Butler plays shooting guard for the Indiana Pacers.
Rasual Butler is number 8 on the Indiana Pacers.
Rasual Butler plays for the Indiana Pacers.
NBA player Rasual Butler played for La Salle.
NBA player Rasual Butler made $884293 in the 2013-2014 season.
No he is not married.
Caron Butler's birth name is James Caron Butler.
Former NBA player Rasual Butler was 38 years old when he died on January 31, 2018 (birthdate: May 23, 1979).