I just started. Basically, learn how to hold the stick and the stance. And the 8meter circles positions. And the 6 spots to cover.
in youth leagues its recommended and in high school its whatever you want
lacrosse stick, girls lacrosse cloves, facemask, and thats it un less you are a goalie.
It vary's how many on the popularity status of the game at your school or club. Typically it vary's from around 20-30 girls. Although only 12 girls can play on each team at any one time (this includes the goalie).
This is my opinion but the female goalie playing currently is Hope Solo of the US Olympic Soccer Team Actually the best women goalie wouldn't even compare to the worst male goalie. MAN POWER!!
Men's field lacrosse is played with ten players on each team: a goalkeeper; three defenders in the defensive end; three midfielders (often called "middies") free to roam the whole field; and three attackers attempting to score goals in the offensive end.
I only know the rules for girls Lacrosse they are: -No uncontrollable checks -No charging -No hitting people with your stick -No hitting the goalie purposely -No trapping -You must have a mouth guard to play Those are the only ones I know but hope that helped!
The two are very similar except precision pockets are often used on goalie lacrosse sticks, whereas runway pockets are used for field position sticks.
Girls lacrosse is a type of sport played with sticks that have nets on the end. A small and hard rubber ball is passed among players on the same team and shot through goals at either end of the pitch to score. Each team has 11 field players and one goalie on the field during the game.
A sport that starts with L that girls might play in school is lacrosse. It's not particularly posh.
MHTV High School Sports - 2011 Girls Lacrosse MIAA Championship 3-6 was released on: USA: 29 May 2013
MHTV High School Sports - 2011 Girls Lacrosse vs- Danvers 3-3 was released on: USA: 26 April 2013
11 girls play on the field at one time. the goalie, the center (which is the strongest player on the field) 3 defenders, 3 offenders, 3 midis/back defenders. normally there are about 18-20 on a team. college about 25 and pro it depends.