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31 m/s

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Q: A tennis ball is dropped from 1.55 m above the ground It rebounds to a height of 0.824 mWith what velocity does it hit the ground?
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Which has more kinetic energy a ball dropped from a height of 2m or a same ball dropped at 4m which has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?

The ball dropped from 4m height has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground because it has a higher velocity due to falling from a greater height. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both mass and the square of velocity, so the ball dropped from 4m height will have more kinetic energy than the one dropped from 2m height.

How does changing the height from which a ball is dropped impact its bounce?

Increasing the height from which a ball is dropped will result in a higher bounce because the ball gains more potential energy as it falls from a greater height. This increase in potential energy translates to a greater kinetic energy upon impact with the ground, leading to a higher bounce.

How does the height from which an object was dropped affect its average velocity?

The height from which an object is dropped does not affect its average velocity. Average velocity depends on the overall displacement and time taken to achieve that displacement, regardless of the initial height of the object.

Velocity time graph for a body dropped from a certain height?

The velocity-time graph for a body dropped from a certain height would show an initial spike in velocity as the object accelerates due to gravity, reaching a maximum velocity when air resistance equals the force of gravity. After this, the velocity would remain constant, representing free fall with a terminal velocity. When the object hits the ground, the velocity suddenly drops to zero.

A ball of mass 0.150kg is dropped from rest from a height of 1.25m. it rebounds from the floor to reach a height of 0.960m what impulse was given to the ball by the floor?

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Does a ball dropped with horizontal velocity take longer to hit the ground than on dropped at rest?

No, both balls will hit the ground at the same time, assuming they are dropped from the same height and in a vacuum. The horizontal velocity does not affect the time it takes for an object to fall vertically due to gravity.

How can you measure how high a ball bounces?

You can measure how high a ball bounces by dropping it from a certain height and then measuring the height it rebounds to. The ratio of the height it rebounds to the height it was dropped from gives you an idea of the ball's elasticity or bounciness.

How do you compare the original height of a ball with its rebound height?

To compare the original height of a ball to its rebound height, you can measure the height the ball was dropped from and then measure the height it rebounds to after bouncing. The rebound height will likely be lower than the original height due to energy loss during the bounce. By comparing the two heights, you can calculate the percentage of energy lost during the rebound.

When a ball of mass is thrown from a height of 7 meters it rebounds to 5 meters What is the height of the ball the instant it rebounds?

The height of the ball when it rebounds is 5 meters, as given in the question.

If a basketball is properly inflated, it should rebound after bouncing on the ground to about one-Half the height from which it was dropped. If the ball is dropped from 20 feet, how high will it bounce back after the sixth bounce?


What is the velocity of a stone dropped of a building 318 meters?

The velocity of the stone dropped from a height of 318 meters can be calculated using the formula v = √(2gh), where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) and h is the height (318 m). Substituting the values, the velocity of the stone would be approximately 78.74 m/s.

Describe a situation in which gravity causes a change in velocity why does a change in velocity happen?

When an object is dropped from a height, gravity causes it to accelerate towards the ground. This acceleration leads to a change in velocity as the object's speed increases. The change in velocity occurs because gravity exerts a force on the object, pulling it towards the Earth.