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Q: A soccer player sprinting down the field demonstrates which form of energy?
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Related questions

How many steps do you take in a soccer game?

You take about 340 steps per soccer game including kicking, sprinting and how much of the game you are in it.

What is the stricker in soccer?

The striker in soccer also known as the forward, is the player that is in charge of scoring and staying up the field to receive passes from the midfielders. they have to have a good sprinting speed to catch fast balls and or to beat the defenders of the opposite team. most of the time the fstrikers score the goals.

Why is swimming so good for disabled people and people who have asthma?

It's a sport that allows you to exercise without exerting too much energy, and you don't pant as much as other sports like sprinting, soccer, etc.

Do a soccer ball have energy?

Yes, a soccer ball has energy when it is either moving (kinetic energy) or when it is elevated above the ground (potential energy). When kicked, the stored energy in a player's leg is transferred to the ball, giving it kinetic energy as it moves.

A soccer player has been sprinting up and down the field. She is breathing very hard and has a burning sensation in her muscles. Which of the following is most likely the cause of her symptoms?

Muscles are building up lactate from anaerobic respiration. -Apex- :)

Do small feet make it more difficult to play soccer?

On the contrary .. Smaller feet = better handeling , faster dribbling and sprinting

Who is more paid a soccer player or basketball player?

A soccer player.

Who gets paid more a soccer player or a soccer agent?

Soccer Player mate

What type of energy is made when kicking a soccerball?

When kicking a soccer ball, mechanical energy is produced. This includes both the potential energy of the player's position before kicking the ball, as well as the kinetic energy generated as the ball is propelled forward by the player's foot.

Your a soccer player if?

if you play soccer

Is Tariq a good soccer player?

tariq is a good soccer player

What is a glorified soccer player?

a glorified soccer player is an kicker for the nfl