You need to be level 35. There are also better maple weapons but they are level 64+. If you are lacking your secondary stat, you will need to use the level 35 Maple weapons until level 64.
The highest level is 200
2,114 Maple logs ( making maple longbows )4,227 Maple logs ( making maple longbows (u) )
maplestory doesn't have cheat codes since its maple......
you level up
Maple syrup is an alkaline because is has a a high PH level.
Punch Imlach coached the Toronto Maple Leafs in 1960. He was head coach from 1958-1969 at which point he was fired by the organization.
A level 35 Maple Sword can be used by all classes. Anything beyond that however, can't be used by anyone who is not a warrior.
You would need to chop approximately 94524 maple logs in order to advance from level 60 to level 99 in firemaking. ---------------- Fact: Did you know by the time you get level 95 in a skill you will have to get all the experience you acquired to get to level 95 again in order to get level 99?
One maple log on RuneScape will grant you 135 Firemaking experience when burned. You need 11,824,010 experience points to advance from level 75 to level 99 in a skill. 11,824,010 divided by 135 equals 87,585.25926.Therefore, you will need to burn 87,586 maple logs to advance from level 75 to level 99 in Firemaking (assuming you receive no experience bonuses).
Black wings :)