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well if you are in jh volleyball it is only 21 points but if you are in hs it is 25 points and once you reach 25 and they are tied you go until you beat them by 2 points.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In volleyball, it is required that you win by at least two points.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A team must win the game by two points.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you have to win by 2 points

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: A game must be win by a least one point in volleyball?
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How many points must a team win by in volleyball?

In a normal volleyball game you have to score to 25 and be winning be at least 2 points.

How many points are there supposed to be in a volleyball game?

* a USAV standard game plays to 25 points, but the winning team must win by a 2 point margin * in a deciding game the teams play to 15, and the winner must have at least a 2 point margin * if neither team has a 2 point lead up to/after 25, the game keeps going until someone is up by two. most of the time there isn't a cap, unless you're really squeezed for time

How many points must be scored to win in volleyball?

25 points are required in a normal game of volleyball. If the teams are tied on 24 points, deuce will be played until one team wins by a 2 point margin.

On a school volleyball team do you have to rotate?

In every official volleyball game you must rotate including school games

How many players are there in a game of volleyball?

Six players must be on the court at a time.

What is duece in volleyball?

When both teams are on set point you must get two clear points

In a regulation volleyball game the sever must severer behind what line?

The end line

Must there be six players on a team in order to play volleyball?

yes there can be more, but the least amount is 6

How many points must be scored to end the game in volleyball?

It's usually 25 points

The score in a volleyball game is 15 to 16 Is the game over?

Sudden death- whoever gets to the winning point first wins(or it may be whoever gets the next point) Win by two- If both teams are past the winning point, then you must win by two points. NOTE: THERE MAY BE OTHER TYPES OF WINS, TOO.

How many points must a volleyball team have in order to win a game?

The timer is used in Basketball. it doesn't matter how many points you score in a game. you just want to score more than your opponent before the buzzer sounds. (timer runs out)

How many points must your team need to win a volleyball game?

To Win A Volleyball Match You Need 25 Points.