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Q: A football player pushes against another player trying to block him from moving any farther down the field Which term best describes this example?
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was in Kamari in September: an example is Kamari Football Ground. Another football stadium is near Fira, I don't remember exactly.

Another example of declarative statement?

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Which is an example of relative locatin?

An example of relative location is saying that a building is next to a park or that a city is east of another city. It describes the position of a place in relation to another nearby location.

What other adverbs describe loudly?

Noisily is one example of an adverb.Another possibility is vehemently.Audibly is another example which describes loudly.

Example to describe how the care value base is not met?

An example that describes how the care value base is not met is during instances of bullying. Another example is on instances of child abuse.

How are the eight parts of speech defined?

Verb- an action Example: to createNoun: person, place, or thing Example: creationAdjective: describes a noun or adjective Example: creativeAdverb: describes a verb Example: creativelyPronoun: a word to replace a noun Example: he (instead of Frank)Preposition: links a noun to another word Example: to (went to school)Conjunction: joins clauses or sentences Example: and (this and that)Interjection: an exclamation Example: Ouch!

Denser is another form of the word density how does it relate?

It describes things that have a higher density than another object. For example, "The metal ball is denser than the baloon."

What is a force of resistance that occurs when the surface of one object slides against the surface of another object?

That force is called friction. Friction is the resistance encountered when two surfaces come into contact and move against each other. It acts to oppose the relative motion between the surfaces.

Example of duty of care in sport?

To play within the rules. For example, diving into another football player in a permitted tackle is within the duty of care, while grabbing another player by his face mask may fall below the duty of care.

What is a ball thrown across a football field an example of?

A ball thrown across a football field is an example of a projectile.

Examples of prohibited powers?

Declaration of war is an example of a prohibited power of states. Only the federal government can declare war against another country. Administering elections is another example; this is a power of states, not the federal government.